I'm hoping to make some money on the side with this site eventually through advertising, but at least in the mean time I am doing something I enjoy. I have an autistic boy to take care of and if you have had any experience with autism you know how trying that can be. So I need an outlet for myself and a way to learn and grow, and I believe this is it.
I am hoping to get a degree in graphic design this year, and will update this post when I do so. If you would like me to work on anything in particular, please let me know on the "Contact Me" page.
Here are some links to my social media accounts if you want to connect to me that way.
Also I have a real problem with the philosophy of graphic design these days. All the really interesting graphic illustrations and art work is done in blue. Such a male thing to do. I however, am in love with color. Also I love individuality.
Therefore, my goal in this blog is to create new and or adjust clip art that is already out there with many and a variety of colors and styles. As well art with a transparent background so anyone with the basic skills can manipulate it however they would like.
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